Principles and Practices of Management Unit-IIntroductionNature and Purpose, Managing – Science or Art? The Evolution of Management Thoughts, The Function of Manager – Planning, Organising, Staffing, Leading and Controlling – An Overview. Coordination – The Essence of Management, System Approach to Management Process. Unit-IIPlanningTypes of Plans: Missions or Purpose, Objective or Goals, Strategies, Policies, Procedure, Rules, Programmes and Budgets. Steps in Planning, Objectives. Management by Objectives. Strategies, Policies and Planning Premises, Strategic Planning Process, Presuming and Forecasting, Decision-making. Unit-IIIOrganisingNature of Organising, Formal and Informal Organisation, Organisation Levels and the Span of Management. Structure and Process of Organisation. Principles of Organising, Line and Staff Authority. Empowerment, Decentralisation of Authority, Delegation of Authority, Organisation Charts. Unit-IVStaffingDefinition of Staffing, An Overview of Staffing Function, The System Approach to Human Resource Management, Recruitment, Selection, Placement, Promotion, Separation, Performance Appraisal, The Peter’s Principle. Unit-VLeading and Controlling1) Motivation: McGregor Theory of X and Y, Maslow Hierarchy of Needs Theory, Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory, Expectancy Theory, Equity Theory, Goal Setting Theory. Leadership – Definition, Ingredients, Styles, Committees and Group Decision-making. Communication – Purpose, Process of Communication, Barriers and Breakdowns, Making Communication Effective.2) Controlling: Concepts and Process, Controlling as a Feedback System, Requirements for Effective Control, Major Controlling Techniques – Budgetary & Non-budgetary Control Devices, Statistical Data, Time-Event Network Analysis.