Ms-65 question Bank (7)
Ms-65 question Bank
MS 65 JUNE 2015
Written by sales@mbaonlinepapers.com sales@mbaonlinepapers.comMANAGEMENT PROGRAMME I
Term-End Examination
June, 2015
1. (a) What are the basic characteristics of services vis-a-vis goods ? What are the implications of these characteristics for a passenger airline ? (b) Distinguish between the following giving suitable examples : (i) Search and experience qualities (ii) Internal and external marketing
2. (a) What do you understand by the term 'Service Quality' ? Explain the 'Grouroos Model of Service Quality' taking the example of a full service family restaurant. (b) What are the benefits to a service organisation in retaining its customers ? Discuss with the help of examples.
MS-65 1 P.T.O.
3. (a) Identify and explain the product support services which automobile manufacturers
can offer to its customers.
(b) Explain the importance of branding of financial services, giving suitable examples.
4. Write short notes on any three of the following :
(a) Yield management
(b) Pricing of health services
(c) Modes of service delivery in internationaltrade
(d) Word of mouth communication
(e) Importance of physical evidence for aneducational institute
Ms-65 December, 2009 Marketing of Services
Written by sales@mbaonlinepapers.com sales@mbaonlinepapers.comDecember, 2009
Ms-65 : Marketing of Services
1. (a) What is so distinctive about services marketing that it requires a special approach and body of knowledge ?
(b) "Growth in services is at the expense of manufacturing sector of the economy." Do you agree with the statement ? Justify your answer.
2(a) Explain why services tend to be more difficult for customers to evaluate than goods.
(b) Explain the role of non-monetary costs in pricing of services by taking the example of
a hospital or a tour operator.
3. (a) What gaps can occur in service quality, and what steps can service marketers take to prevent them ?
(b) Identify and explain the product support services which a computer manufacturer
can offer for gaining competitive advantage.
4. Write short notes on any three of the following :
(a) Yield management.
(b) Cycle of success and cycle of failure.
(c) Service guarantees.
(e) Channels of distribution for banks.
(f) Physical evidence.
5. Study the following case and answer the questions given at the end.
Mrs. F arrives 15 minutes early for a
Mrs. F wonders what that means but returns to her assigned place. She is here, after all, for a particular visual problem, not just for a routine check-up. All good things, however, including Mrs. F's patience and endurance of abusive treatment, eventually end. At
Dear Dr.
It is with very real regret that I am transferring our eye care to another physician, and I want you to know the reason for my decision. It is
Questions :
(a) What features of a good waiting process are evident in Dr. X's practice ? List the shortcomings that you see.
(b) If Dr. X were concerned with keeping the F family as patients, how could he have
responded to Mrs. F's letter ? Write a letter on Dr. X's behalf to Mrs. F.
(c) How could Dr. X prevent such incidents in the future ?
(d) What are the benefits to an health care service organisation in retaining its customers ?
Ms-65 June, 2010 Marketing of Services
Written by sales@mbaonlinepapers.com sales@mbaonlinepapers.comJune, 2010
Ms-65 : Marketing of Services
1(a) What is so distinctive about services marketing that it requires a special approach, set of concepts and body of knowledge ?
(b) Give examples of services that are high in credence qualities. How do high credence qualities affect consumer behaviour for these services ?
2(a) Taking the example of a business hotel differentiate between core, facilitating and supporting services. Would your answer differ for an economy tourist hotel ? Explain.
(b) What do you understand by the term Service Quality ? Is good service quality a cost or a revenue provider ? Discuss with the help of examples.
3. (a) Why do customers switch service providers ? As a marketer can you do anything to prevent the customers from switching ?
(b) What are the various kinds of product support services which a consumer durable manufacturer can provide ? Explain.
4. Write short notes on any three of the following :
(a) Methods of distribution for services
(b) Factors governing tourism demand
(c) Services marketing triangle
(d) Service guarantee
(e) Modes of service delivery in international trade
5. Study the following case situations and answer the questions given at the end :
Case Situation : The amusement park with a successful history was now facing problems. It had its first money losing last year followed by another one now. The park had three ways to bring in more revenues : increase visit per customer, increase average spending per visit or attract new customers. Because of a mature industry all three were hard to do. As pulling in people from broader geographical area seemed an unlikely proposition due to the wide availability of such parks, attracting new customers required new value proposition. With this background, it was proposed to offer a "preferred guest card" to win more business from moneyed and time pressed group of people. Under this plan, visitors could pay an additional fee to get free rein of the park: Card Holders would enter the ride through separate lines which would give them first crack and they would be seated immediately at any in-park restaurant. It was hoped that this plan will help to up-sell the people who are already coming to the park. And by making it possible to spend less time in queues, the guest card will also attract a different type of customer - time starved, high-income professionals and their families, who might otherwise avoid the whole experience. However, certain objections were raised against such a scheme. "I don't even think it's a great experience for the preferred guests. Who want to feel all that animosity diverted at them? The key to this business is the customers feeling good while they are here. With this scheme neither side's coming back" commented an executive. A possible solution given to this was to separate the lines and limiting the percentage of special tickets issued on any given day. If the 'preferred guest card' scheme was not implemented the park might be forced to raise price across the board.
Questions :
(a) Evaluate the 'preferred guest card' scheme and give your recommendations to the management.
(b) Describe the demand patterns that you would expect at an amusement park and the underlying causes.
(c) Suggest some ways of managing waiting lines at amusement parks.
Ms-65 June, 2011 Marketing of Services
Written by sales@mbaonlinepapers.com sales@mbaonlinepapers.comJune, 2011
Ms-65 : Marketing of Services
1. (a) How is information search behaviour different in case of services as compared to goods ? Explain with the help of suitable examples.
(b) Discuss the importance of physical evidence for the following :
(i) Banks
(ii) Educational institutes
2. (a) What are the benefits of a good service guarantee ? Is service guarantee equally beneficial for all service firms ? Discuss with the help of examples.
(b) Explain why it is important for service organisations to match demand and capacity. What are the implications of a mismatch between the two ?
3. (a) Discuss some of consumer sales promotion schemes used by hotels.
(b) Identify and explain the product support services which a personal computer manufacturer can offer to remain competitive or for gaining competitive advantage.
4. Write short notes on any three of the following :
(a) Factors governing tourism demand.
(b) Modes of service delivery in international trade
(c) Internal marketing
(d) Grouroos model of service quality
(e) Reasons for growth of service sector.
5. Study the case given below and answer the questions given at the end.
Marketing of Health Services Pulin Kayastha was simply amazed. He had seen all forms of hostility and marketing warfare in the consumer goods industry, but to see similar warfare in the health industry fascinated him. Clearly, he told himself, doctors had found consumers in their patients. At least, that's what the concept note sent by Dr. Ajit Varman, country manager of Recovery Clinics and Hospitals, seemed to indicate. Varman and seven other senior doctors had left Karuna Nursing Home and Hospital to set up Recovery, which, as the note said.".... would be entirely devoted and dedicated to customer responsiveness." Pulin was a management consultant and was recommended to Recovery by the marketing director of Regrow Pharma, a large pharmaceuticals company in Mumbai. In fact, the suggestion to set up Recovery came from a non - resident patient, Dinesh Shah, who was undergoing treatment at Karuna's large speciality hospital in
The management started hiring specialists and private practitioners, offering them cabins and consultancy arrangements at Karuna. The strategy was that these doctors would bring in their patients and use the infrastructure so that the hospital would start earning money."
The Karuna management wanted to derive short - term benefits, rather than gradually build up clientele. But the strategy, it appeared, did not pay off. As Varman said : "Because there were many doctors and the business was not large enough in the first few months. Consequently, competition for business became cut - throat between doctors." marketing plan. What we want you to do is to help us build this brand, help ordinary doctors like us understand what brand-building entails and how it is managed in a service industry."
Questions :
(a) Suggest a positioning strategy for Recovery Clinics and Hospitals.
(b) Explain why it is necessary for doctors as well as nursing staff to be marketing oriented.
(c) What steps might Recovery Clinics and Hospitals take to demonstrate reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy ?
(d) Explain the role of non-monetary costs in pricing of health services.
Ms-65 December, 2011 Marketing of Services
Written by sales@mbaonlinepapers.com sales@mbaonlinepapers.comDecember, 2011
Ms-65 : Marketing of Services
1. (a) Differentiate between the following giving suitable examples :
(i) Search, experience and credence qualities.
(ii) Core, facilitating and supporting services.
(b) What is the significance of non-monetary costs in pricing decision for services ? Discuss taking the example of health care services.
2. (a) Explain the term yield Management. Discuss the importance of yield management for a hotel.
(b) Why do customers switch service providers ? Can you do anything as a marketer to prevent the customers from switching ?
3. (a) What are the various modes of service delivery in international trade ? Discuss with the help of examples.
(b) Do you agree with the following statements ? Justify your answer.
(i) A complaint is a gift and the customer who complains is your friend.
(ii) Growth in services is at the expense of manufacturing sector of the economy.
4. Write short notes on any three of the following :
(a) Classification of product support services
(b) The services marketing triangle
(c) Cycle of success and cycle of failure
(d) Channels of distribution for retail banking services
(e) Promotional strategies for educational services.
5. Study the case given below and answer the questions given at the end.
AARP Uses New Name To Reach Broader Target Market AARP is the name, and baby boomers (A baby boomer is a person who was born during the post-world war II baby boom) are the target of its new marketing efforts in the
Questions :
(a) Critically examine the repositioning effort undertaken by AARP.
(b) How is AARP coping with the challenges of marketing an intangible service ?
(c) What steps might AARP take to demonstrate reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy ?
Ms-65 December, 2012 Marketing of Services
Written by sales@mbaonlinepapers.com sales@mbaonlinepapers.comDecember, 2012
Ms-65 : Marketing of Services
1. (a) With the help of suitable examples, explain the concept of 'Services Marketing Triangle'. (b) Explain the four modes of service delivery in international trade of services, giving examples of each.
2. (a) Identify a particular service organisation for which you believe 'physical evidence' is particularly important in communicating with customers. Prepare the text of a presentation as a manager of that organisation highlighting the importance of physical evidence in the organisation's marketing strategy.
(b) In what specific ways does the distribution of services differ from the distribution of goods? List some benefits the companies can get in electronic distribution of services.
3. (a) Choose a local restaurant or some other type of service with fluctuating demand. What is the likely underlying pattern of demand ? What causes the pattern ? Is it predictable or random ?
(b) What is Service Quality? Why do customers experience difficulty in judging service Quality ?
4. Write short notes on any three of the following :
(a) Family Life Cycle and need for financial services.
(b) Promotional strategies for educational services.
(c) Reasons for growth of the service sector.
(d) Service guarantees.
(e) Yield Management.
5. Do you agree with the following statements ? Justify your answer.
(a) Reasons for customer switching are not controllable from a service Organisation's point of view.
(b) Service waiting (customer waiting) can be controlled only by 'operations management'.
(c) Pricing strategy for services includes much more than determining what to charge.
(d) In case of services, consumers rely more on personal sources of information for pre-purchase evaluation.
Ms-65 June, 2013 Marketing of Services
Written by sales@mbaonlinepapers.com sales@mbaonlinepapers.comJune, 2013
Ms-65 : Marketing of Services
1. (a) Discuss 'Inseparability' and 'Perishability' as characteristics of services. Also describe their marketing implications for a hospital.
(b) What are the additional three 'Ps' of service Marketing Mix ? Discuss each . Also discuss the relevance of 'Services Marketing Triangle' for a consultancy company.
2. (a) "One of the most significant differences between goods and services is that in goods search qualities dominate while services are dominated by experience and credence qualities." Discuss the above statement with suitable examples.
(b) Describe the 'Psychological Factors' influencing the buyer behaviour of services,
with suitable examples.
3. (a) What are the major methods of distribution in services ? Discuss with suitable examples.
(b) Discuss the importance of 'Internal Marketing' for a service organisation.
4. Write short notes on any three :
(a) Segmentation in the Tourism Market
(b) Measuring Service Quality
(c) Strategies for Managing Demand
(d) Classification of Product Support Services
(e) Service Recovery Strategies.
5. Rockland Group has entered into the health care during the last decade, during the time when large health care companies like Apollo, Forties, Max and many others were already established.
(a) What could be possible 'Distribution' related strategies
might give them an advantage over its competitors ?
(b) What are the various non-monetary costs relating to Health Care Services ? Explain.
(c) Suggest a suitable promotion mix for the Rockland Hospitals